GSA Announcements
Subject: GSA Announcements
1. TODAY. Biosciences Journal Meeting ( attachment)
2. Only 35 Connan O'Brien tickets left at GSA
3. Input on Distinguished Speakers Series
All UB graduate students are invited to attend an organizational meeting
for the GSA-funded BioSciences Journal, "BIOLOGUE." Biologue will
communicate advances in the biological sciences at UB and in WNY, and
highlight bioscience news from afar that is of interest to the UB and WNY
ALL MAJORS DESIRED! Students with various skills are encouraged to participate: Publishing, Writing, Technical Communication, Editing,Marketing, Business, Advertising, Graphic Arts, etc. A diverse cross-section of UB majors is also desired - students not only from fields related directly to biosciences, but those with perspectives on the social,legal, economic and historical impact of biological sciences should be represented.
The meeting is planned for Thursday 20 April 2006, 6:00 pm in Farber Hall Room 136, South Campus.
The attached flyer (MS Publisher document) announces the meeting and provides an agenda. Please forward the flyer to all of your club members and/or print and post the flyer on your local bulletin boards. We look forward to seeing you there!
Thank you kindly.
Lana Burl
President, Exercise & Nutrition Sciences GSA
SUNY University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14214
GSA has 35 tickets left for the Conan O'Brien speech this Saturday night. They are one per ID and will be given out "first come, first serve".
3. Please send us you input on these speakers. Thanks
1. Jean-Michael Cousteau
2.Queen Latifa
3.Sandra Day O'Connor
Ben Stein vs Al Franken
Bill OReilly vs Bill Mahar
Maxine Hong Kingston
Spike Lee
Dan Brown
Dave Barry
Hanan Asharwi
Jk Rowling
Jon Kleese
Sally Ride
Ken Burns
Jonathon Stroud
Talk Sex with Sue Lady
Neil deGrasse Tyson
The numbered speakers were our top choices, the rest are in no order of significance.
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