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Sunday, March 19, 2006

GSA 2006 Election announcement

Dear Graduate students,

On 5th -7th of April 2006, we will have the GSA elections to fill the
offices of the President, Vice President and Treasurer for the following
academic year.

In order to choose the right people into office and ensure that your
mandatory fee is spent properly, we urge you to take an active interest
in the forthcoming elections.

In this regard, those of you who are interested to run for offices and
have already attended at least one senate meeting this year should
remember to file their statement, petitions and budget by the 21st of
March 2006, 4:30 pm in the GSA office 310 Student Union. Also be aware
that you would have to attend the mandatory meeting on the 20th of March
2006, 6:30 pm, if you have not already attended one of the two earlier

For others who do not want to run for offices, please make the elections
successful by excercising your voting rights and ensuring that the
candidate of your choice is elected into office.

The Election Committee would also like to remind the clubs (all
departmental, international and special interest clubs) not to endorse
any candidate either through their list-serves or through club meetings.
In case such endorsement is brought to the notice of the Election
committee, the candidate will be disqualified from the elections and the
concerned club might be penalised.

Finally, we need VOLUNTEERS to man the booths on the day of the
elections. Refreshments (Lunch, snacks, beverages) will be provided.

For further queries please contact the ECC pguha@buffalo.edu

Election Committee
Graduate Student Association.

Election Committee