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Monday, February 06, 2006

GSA February events...

February 11th:
Brokeback Mountain @ The Amherst Theater 4pm
Free tickets available Feb 3rd @ GSA 310 SU 2 per id grad only

February 17th:
Java Junction 11am-1pm 310 Student Union
Free Coffee and Donuts for grads, Come in say hi meet the staff

February 28th:
Mardi Gras Party @ Pearl Street 9-12am, 76 Pearl Street
Come celebrate Fat Tuesday with GSA Open Bar, Music and Snax. Give Aways & Fun Tickets $ 7 dollars each. Limit 2 per id Grads only! Available Sub Board Ticket office Feb. 1st A Great Party after the Parade on Chippewa
Don't miss out!!