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Monday, September 11, 2006

Mark Diamond Research Fund

The Mark Diamond Research Fund Grant is now awarding up to $1000 for Master's students, and $2000 for PhD students for their thesis/ dissertation research.

Workshops on grant writing procedures and the application process will be held:

Monday, Sept. 11 in 145D SU 12-1pm
Wednesday, Sept. 13 in 311 SU 5-6pm

These workshops are not required, but can be very helpful. You can find the guidelines and application forms in the GSA office (310 SU), or coming soon to the GSA website (http://www.gsa.buffalo.edu)

The first deadline for applications is Friday, Sept 29 (applications must be received in 310 SU by 4pm)

For more information, contact the MDRF Director, Catalina Crespo at ccrespo2@buffalo.edu