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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Your tickets are HERE!

Dear Members,

I have your tickets!! To those who have signed up with me to obtain their tickets, please come and get your tickets from me.

Thanks to GSA's event coordinator, Steve Krysty and to all our members who have been actively involved in GSA events - ASEAN GSA was able to secure amazing seats at the Dalai Lama speech event. I was informed that ASEAN GSA tickets have seats allocated really up front and close to the stage. How close and upfront?? We will have to find out on that day itself :)

I want to thank you all for taking the time to read my email reminders on obtaining tickets through ASEAN GSA as well as being so prompt in signing up to get the tickets. THANK YOU!!
You can retrieve your tickets from me at the following place and time.

Thursday, 9/7/06, 1-5 pm 411 Capen Hall
Friday, 9/8/06, 9-1pm 411 Capen Hall

If you cannot make it at the following times or you wish to meet up some other time, please email me and we can work something out. My email is spcheah@buffalo.edu

* * * * *
Some of you inquired about the FREE posters being handed out to students who are lining up to get their own tickets. I was informed that the FREE posters are NOT the commemorative poster of the Dalai Lama as advertised on the website and on the banners (as seen here).
The FREE posters are actually the promotional posters used by the SA office to promote the event. You can see a small version of the poster (in black and white) on the Spectrum newspaper. The really fancy Dalai Lama commemorative poster which many of you think they are giving away free are only on SALE from the UB Dalai Lama website website

* * * * *
I just wanted to remind everyone once again that our club has an up and running website. Should you missed any email(s) (accidentally deleted, forgot to read, misplaced emails, etc.) and/or annoucements, you can retrieve those information from our website. The URL is http://www.aseangsa.blogspot.com. Bookmark it!

Have a great week ahead and an exciting start to a new fall semester.

Sherene Cheah
President, ASEAN GSA 2006-2007