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Friday, September 14, 2007

Michael Moore Distinguished Speakers Series Lecture Tickets

The GSA has a limited number of free tickets available for Graduate Students to attend the Distinguished Speaker Series' first lecture by Michael Moore on September 29 at 8pm in Alumni Arena.

Tickets will be distributed at Alumni Arena, not the GSA office, at the following times on a first come, first served basis:

Monday, September 17 from 9am-12pm and 4pm-7pm
Tuesday, September 18 from 9am-12pm
UB ID required, while supplies last.

ASEAN GSA 2007-2008 Officers

Leng Feng Lee
Mechanical Engineering -PhD

Vice President
Tai Boon Tan
Chemical & Biological Engineering - PhD

Chin Giaw Lim
Chemical & Biological Engineering - PhD

Lye Theng Lock
Chemical & Biological Engineering - PhD

Ji Young Yoon
Linguistics - PhD

Thursday, September 06, 2007

MDRF Grant Workshops


The GSA offers research grants for graduate students in the final stages
of their research. PhD students may receive up to $2000 and Masters
students may receive up to $1000 to help defer the cost of research.

The Fall deadline for applications is September 28 at 3pm in 310 Student
Union (for research that is to be conducted November 1, 2007- October
31, 2008).

If you would like to learn more about this opportunity, or if you have
questions about the application the MDRF Director (John Heberger,
gsa-mdrf@buffalo.edu) will be holding workshops on the following dates:

September 7 at 3pm in 330 Student Union
September 11 at 7pm in 145A Student Union

Michael Moore Ticket Distribution & Annoucenment

Michael Moore Ticket Distribution Schedule:

The GSA has a limited number of free tickets available for Graduate
Students to attend the Distinguished Speaker Series' first lecture by
Michael Moore on September 29 at 8pm in Alumni Arena.

Tickets will be distributed at Alumni Arena, NOT THE GSA OFFICE, at the
following times on a first come, first served basis:

Monday, September 17 from 9am-12pm and 4pm-7pm
Tuesday, September 18 from 9am-12pm
UB ID required, while supplies last


Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

Are you interested in how humans interact with the environment or systems??
Are you interested in Human Factors Engineering or Ergonomics?? Or just
expand your knowledge â?¦

Come join the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES).

HFES is a student chapter of the national organization with the same
name that covers a number of avenues from engineering, psychology,
rehabilitation science, occupational therapy and architecture.

Membership is FREE!!! (thanks to the GSA)

Our first meeting will be held, Friday Sept 14, 2007 at 12:30pm.
Location: 341 Bell Hall (3rd floor conference room)

We will be electing new officers and deciding how to spend our budget of
$500 for 2007-2008. So come and join us, to find out more about our
group or just say Hi! to old friends and have the pizza and drinks that
will be provided.

We look forward to seeing you then!

Mahiyar F Nasarwanji
President HFES

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Events and Important Dates for 2007-2008


Sep. 5th: Senate Meeting
The GSA Senate will be meeting at 7:00pm in 330 Student Union.
Sep. 7th: Java Junction
Free Dunkin' Donuts and Coffee will be available for graduate students in 310 Student Union from 11am to 1pm.

Sep. 7th: MDRF Grant Writing Workshop
3pm in 330 Student Union.

Sep. 11th: MDRF Grant Writing Workshop
7pm in 145A Student Union.

Sep. 14th: Mandatory Officer Training for Presidents AND Treasurers
3pm in 311 Student Union

Sep. 18th: Mandatory Officer Training for Presidents AND Treasurers
9am in 330 Student Union

Sep. 21st: Moondance Cruise
This catamaran cruise on Lake Erie will depart from Erie Basin Marina at 5:30pm with a cash bar on board. Tickets will be available as of August 27th for $5 each at the Sub Board Ticket Office (221 SU).

Sep. 26th: Deadline For Recognition Paperwork
Deadline for recognition paperwork for any club looking to be recognized at the October 3 Senate Meeting.

Sep. 28th: MDRF applications due at 3pm
Applications for research to be conducted between November 1, 2007 and October 31, 2008 are due at the GSA office at 3pm.

Sep. 30th: Deadline For New Officer and Senator Paperwork
Deadline for new Officer and Senator paperwork for recognized clubs.
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Oct. 1st: Deadline for Fall Fee Waivers and the Fall Childcare Scholarships

Oct. 3rd: Senate Meeting
The GSA Senate will be meeting at 7:00pm in 330 Student Union.

Oct. 31st: Deadline For Recognition Paperwork
Deadline for recognition paperwork for any club looking to be recognized at the November 7 Senate Meeting.
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Nov. 7th: Senate Meeting
The GSA Senate will be meeting at 7:00pm in 330 Student Union.

Nov. 28th: Deadline For Recognition Paperwork
Deadline for recognition paperwork for any club looking to be recognized at the December 5 Senate Meeting.
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Dec. 5th: Senate Meeting
The GSA Senate will be meeting at 7:00pm in 330 Student Union. This will be the last meeting to apply for club recognition.
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